Do You Offer Lab Procedures at Your After-Hours Clinic in Sun City Center, FL?
Usually, seeing your primary-care doctor when you’re ill is just one step in a process. If a lab test, X-ray, or another type of procedure is needed to fully diagnose your condition, you will likely be sent to a lab or imaging center. Additionally, if it’s determined that prescription medication is needed to treat your illness, your next stop will be your local pharmacy to spend even more time waiting. However, when you choose TGH Urgent Care powered by Fast Track, all of your needs will be addressed under one roof so you can start the recovery process immediately and get on with your busy life. Our Sun City Center, Florida, after-hours clinic offers comprehensive care for a wide array of non-life-threatening illnesses and injuries, and our priority is ensuring you receive the treatment you need in a timely fashion.
Offering Unmatched Convenience
Our after-hours clinic is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week, so you can always find time for treatment without having to rearrange your day. Our board-certified medical providers see patients ages 3 months and older for a wide range of illnesses and injuries, and we offer a full array of lab and imaging procedures so you can receive a full diagnosis on the spot.
Don’t put off the medical care you and your family need. Contact TGH Urgent Care powered by Fast Track today if you would like to learn more about the services we offer at our Sun City Center after-hours clinic. If you plan to visit, you can save your spot in line before you arrive using our online On My Way system.