Where Can You Find an Immediate Care Center While Traveling In Westchase, FL?
If you find yourself in need of an immediate care facility while traveling in or around Westchase, Florida, visit TGH Urgent Care powered by Fast Track. By choosing us, you may be able to avoid an emergency room visit, which can not only save you money, but also time, allowing you to quickly return to your vacation or business trip.
If you are suddenly injured or become ill while traveling, you can come to our immediate care center with or without an appointment between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., every day of the week, which means you can visit us at your convenience. Our board-certified providers can treat any patient over three months old for a wide variety of conditions, including colds, lacerations, minor burns, and many others.
TGH Urgent Care also provides numerous in-house diagnostic services, such as X-rays and lab draws. If you are traveling in Westchase, FL, this can mean a reduced interruption to your trip because, in many cases, a diagnosis from our immediate care specialists will prevent you from having to make and keep an appointment at an offsite lab or imaging facility.
At TGH Urgent Care, we go above and beyond to provide travelers in Westchase, FL, with a convenient treatment option that represents the highest standard of care. Appointment times at our immediate care facility are typically short, but you can reduce or eliminate your wait time by signing in online using our On My Way System.